
Best friends
What is that anyway?
If you love some one that mutch
To call it your best friend
Marry her for god sake!

Some are always your true best friend
But some one just don´t thnk of you the same way

I have never found somthing that intressting
Then this
They call thereselft best friends
But how the hell is that gooing to work?
They fight every time the see each other
But maybe thet is best friends

I have never ever been in this situation..
How is it going to work out?
Please tell me..

Postat av: Jasmine Cookie Brown

Jag har gift mig med Diana hahah (a)

2010-01-10 @ 15:48:23
URL: http://xoxo.devote.se
Postat av: Jasmine Cookie Brown

Jag har gift mig med Diana hahah (a)

2010-01-10 @ 15:48:34
URL: http://xoxo.devote.se

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